9:27 PM. Tuesday, August 26, 2008

i never blog quite long liao ah. then the jodi picolt book i dunno how long i've finish reading le hahaha. i reading digital fortress by dan brown! quite nice la. see i got a suddenly fetish for books so im a bookworm. :D
my common tests result sucks! if add L1R5 i 28 leh like omg. but i got improve by 2 marks cuz midyear mine was 30. heh :/ i will mug hard for EOY. those people say the test difficult one, and that they will sure fail/get just pass one, score good again. like WTF la humble also can dont need like that right! demoralise us quite shiok right. act act act only know how to act then when you say you sure die all those want us come comfort you in the end score so much better. you think we feel very proud is it. change your attitude la pls.
teacher's day and orange coming up. so excited for orange haha. teacher's day on friday and today's tuesday alr. must pia and give it your best shot! sec3s i believe we can do it de! :D jiayou!
whatever you do, reflects on how it counts. seriously im getting sick of it.
2:14 PM. Sunday, August 24, 2008
i very lazy to blog!!! xD
6:01 PM. Wednesday, August 13, 2008
goodgoodgood. oh lend me books i need them for book reviews. i want to watch kallang roar, get smart and meet dave! after ct let's go major shopping and movie marathon yo. screw you ct! :D
3:11 PM. Sunday, August 10, 2008

i realise when people reach sec3, they tend to be more emotional and thus manymanymany problems surface. people start to disagree with one another, people start to backstab one another, people start losing faith and trust in one another. people change, alot, when they reach sec3. yes i tell you, they do! human nature perhaps, but i hate this, alot.
i dont recognise you anymore.
1:37 PM.

i can still rmb 4months ago, laoshi told us that we'll be performing in NDP08. we were all so excited luh. the 4months of hard work paid off ytd with a splendid performance by the PA. (or so the others say) im alr starting to miss ndp! no more costume, no more spamming of gel, no more stench of our headbands, no more practices on saturday. (!!!)
080808, beijing olympic games! did you watch the opening ceremony walao very neat leh. esp the monks or something they did xuanfengtui then end lying on the floor neat until like siao luh 0.0 quite cool ah. TEAM SINGAPORE JIAYOU! :D
i pon school on friday sian lian leh the celebrations sing all the song we actual day can sing at the marina bay floating platform mah then in the end nvr go school. my mum also scold me for going to sch cuz she say go sentosa better than go sch PLAY so in the end we went sentosa then stay at the shangrila hotel for 1 night. sat morning quickly chiong to sch for ndp lol.
common test are just ard the corner. must start mugging like amy and nancy do. jiayou dancers we can do it! :D
joke of the day:yilin: that's my car (points to the police van beside us)
ange: OH. whr do you sit? infront (police officer) or behind (prisoner)?
yilin: behind, with 2 of my friends.
ange: omg. what crime did you commit?
yilin: i laugh too loud.
-a series of hysterical laughter-
joke of the day 2:evelyn: i got 8 new messages! (opens phone)
yiyang: i got a pimple!
-haha i thought it was sort of funny?-
10:26 PM. Wednesday, August 6, 2008
HELLO HELLO! MAMA CHANG AND PAPA KIEU MADE A NEW SEATING ARRANGEMENT! cuz they said that we're too noisy and wanted us to change place so we wont talk so often and so much. and guess what. it turned out to be a JOKE!

as you can see, we're being putted at the back of the class, and our whole pack is there. like HELLO? yangyee was like complaining to mrschang "why they can sit tgt! sure even noisier one lor!" then mama chang dont even care abt what he said haha yangyee try harder okay! i think mama chang want me to monitor the others bah, cuz i too guai liao so need spread some of my goodness to the other monkeys hehehe. let's mug and work hard tgt in this seating arrangement! :D
andandand, im helping dingyi to advertise a movie directed by her brother,
Kallang Roar, which is out on the 21st of august. must go support okay! go
www.thekallangroarmovie.com for more details. the story's about our sinagpore soccer coach by the name of mr __ .. .. eh opps dingyi i forgot :/ aiyah, go support jiu dui liao :D
okay come some random facts:
1. my bday on 14june1993, kelly's on 15june1994, yuting's on 16june1994. awwwww so cool right if i born one year later GG liao we best friends liao lol.
2. our favourite relief teacher came today to relief for hist! we just simply love mrs chua (?), dont we. hahah okay maybe that's ABIT sacastic.
3. we're eating angkukuehs on saturday at PA! whoo yinkar i eat you and you eat me!
4. dance was fun today! haha buddy daphine! xD
5. our class notice board is up already let's celebrate!
6. i think i'm having a fever lol.
okay yaye no more haha i go acelearning do maths liao haiiiii i dunno why i so pro can mug hahaha jinghui ah yilin ah still slacking right. one go K dramas one go watch kangxilaile. hopeless ppl ah hahahahahahaha. lingyuan you're included ah dont think i dont know you watch baifenbai!
6:18 PM. Monday, August 4, 2008

even though the road's not so smooth at times, but i still love all of you.
5:36 PM.

hello! today's monday and i have no monday blues wahahaha. long time never come here crap liao lol been very busy lately (hahaha see angelina busy leh) so let's make it a fast entry cos i tml still got bio test on plant nutrition and tranport which totally sucks. so many things to memorise want us die ah! zzzzzzzzzzz. then wed still have chem test on energy changes! sian lor ytd i slept at 1plus am then i heard outside got people singing opera! like, WTF?! i dont dare go take my phone which was charging in the same room lol so stupid eh. now 7th month (AIYOH SEVEN LEH) got "buddies" come out i scared lol. pls go find yilin and jinghui dont come find me plsplspls LOL. opps hope they dont see this! :/
it was makyinkar's bday on 30july, last wed. happy belated bday ah makmak sry i no time blog hahaha but i know you will be touched to tears just by reading this. we love you okay! continue to work hard with your confucious comments! :D and it's jocelynchng's bday today! we went sky garden help her celebrate lol i think she cried (no?) lol okay whatever you know we love you!
ndp preview ytd's ytd. lol which is saturday. very high leh esp after the finale. we were all messing around with the "chao recruit" and "platoon commander" thingy lol i got potential ehhhhhhhh whoooo PC here i come!
i got to go sadly. see my cousins all those came on thurs which was cool. haha then we're going out. and we went night safari on a thurs night how cool was that. i reached home at around 12midnight lol coolass manzxs. okay go liao byebye! yaye goodie bags on tues! :D
HELLO! I'm angelina and i love 403, my fellow dancers, and my wonderful friends! I was being pulled out onto this earth on 14june1993 and has been breathing ever since. I celebrate my special day every year, do you too? I'm good at talking trash, but lousy at doing maths. Dont irritate me by poking my mole :D