1:38 PM. Sunday, July 27, 2008
This is for my peoples who just lost somebody
Your best friend, your baby, your man, or your lady
Put your hand way up high
We will never say bye (no, no, no)
Mamas, daddies, sisters, brothers, friends and cousins
This is for my peoples who lost their grandmothers
Lift your head to the sky 'cause we will never say bye
As a child there were them times
I didn't get it but you kept me in line
I didn't know why you didn't show up sometimes
On Sunday mornings, and I missed you
But I'm glad we talked through
All them grown folk things
Separation brings
You never let me know it
You never let it show because
You loved me and obviously
There's so much more left to say
If you were with me today face to face
I never knew I could hurt like this
And everyday life goes on like
"I wish I could talk to you for awhile"
Miss you but I try not to cry
As time goes by
And soon as you reach a better place
Still I'd give the world to see your face
And I'm right here next to you
But it's like you're gone too soon
Now the hardest thing to do is say bye bye
And you never got the chance to see how good I've done
And you never got to see me back at number one
I wish that you were here to celebrate together
I wish that we could spend the holidays together
I remember when you used to tuck me in at night
With the Teddy Bear you gave to me that I held so tight
I thought you were so strong
You'd make it through whatever
It's so hard to accept the fact you're gone forever
This is for my peoples who just lost somebody
Your best friend, your baby, your man, or your lady
Put your hand way up high
We will never say bye (no, no, no)
Mamas, daddies, sisters, brothers, friends and cousins
This is for my peoples who lost their grandmothers
Lift your head to the sky 'cause we will never say bye called my grandmothers and grandfathers yesterday night at 10plus. had a sudden urge to call them... haha then they were so surprised cos i long time never talk to them already. they very happy you know. that's why i wanted to call :D
1:43 PM. Friday, July 25, 2008
there's no ndp tml. feels awkward. 0.0

8:38 PM. Tuesday, July 22, 2008
WHOO it's our turn to do morning assembly duty this week. quite fun eh xianlin practically shouted during the pledge and we all were laughing like shitzxs. then mamachang wanted us to go back to class then i say must let liugongkai say "303 you may take your LIFT" then we all go spam lifts hahaha get the joke? "303 you may take your LEAVE" hahahaha okay i think you dont understand but nvm -.-
we slacked today for 3 hours. 1st hour was bio, and mrstan dunno go where so relief teacher came. 2nd hour was eng, and norida go give birth for 5 months liao havent come back. 3rd hour was CEP. aiyah CEP useless one la talk about sex education lol. abit horny ah. then when we got bored xinyi and i decided to prank ppl. we went toilet then heard 2 girls inside cubicle talking. too sian liao we so we go spray water downwards inside the cubicle and ran away hahahaha!
girl 1 : oi you spray me ah?
girl 2 : i never! you spray me ah?
-after a while-
quite funny eh hahaha. and dingyi looked so cute with pigtails hahaha. oh and it's healthy lifestyle week for 303! and we decided to bring biscuits, fruits, bread, tuna veggies etc tml to make sandwich and eat during recess! whooooooooo hahaha. tml got dance yay! dance tee and buns! :D
i feel like i dont know you anymore. you werent like this last time. i hate the new you.
1:13 PM. Sunday, July 20, 2008
yesterday's ndp was wet! hahaha so cool la having fun in the rain! i think ndp actual day should rain cos we get more high when it rains! :D laurakhoo, ms key, liyuelaoshi and jt wore our headbands and looked so cute manzxs hahaha. after the finale we mass spam photos. and watched our own performance on the big screen. i think the soka performance was not bad leh they very synchronised. CELIACHEW i want the photos! hahaha.
thank you nicole for finding my wallet! whoever took my wallet, screw you. it's not funny okay. hope you kena cancer or stroke and die hahahaha. whoever's so stupid to take my wallet and return it by puting on my class locker, might as well just take it. hahaha loser la you this whoever sai.
and to the FB, you know that you're at the losing end. you made a wrong comment at a wrong place to the wrong people at a wrong time. see you're happy now, arent you. hahahahahaha.

we love AABDLLLPTWYY too much le. hahaha.


they say i've got artistic talent. after drawing this dragon, i see what they mean :D
7:04 PM. Tuesday, July 15, 2008
7:00 PM.
HELLO HELLO today the listening comprehension abit hard only lah i think hahaha my standard too good liao right omg how come cos i'm cheena yaye :D

8:43 PM. Monday, July 14, 2008
TODAY IS TAYLINGYUAN'S BIRTHDAY! see lah taybulan your lingyuan day so many people help you celebrate you abit shiok right. abit only right. hahahaha. hope you dont laugh so loud and so siao already ah, you laoahpo liao 15 le leh no more 14! hahaha grow up! ;P
Sec3dancers went to 310 during lunch to celebrate birthday for her. cool lor the cake is superman one leh. then got 'SUPERMAN LOVES LINGYUAN" written on it. leslie! who's superman why nvr tell me! lol. cos we made leon and junwei's table messy, liangyuan went to carry the big blue dustbin inside class. quite clever ah lly. abit only.

then after school the sec3dancers went to do saikang! wash the smelly headbands manzxs. i tell you the stench from the headbands hoh enough to kill 1 house of cockcroach lor so disgusting. imagine we have to wear on the head one lor wth lol. but then doing saikang with the sec3dancers very fun leh cos we bian wash bian play. hahaha. from slapping game to murderer. walao i kena slap until the blood vessel burst lol.
step1: washing and soaking and de-germing.

step 2: drying! from doing stunts with the bands to fanning the bands with newspapers, you name it.

1:29 PM. Sunday, July 13, 2008
yesterday's NE show was quite good i think. hahaha. peixuan alyssa and zhipeng came to watch us, and they said was quite good haha. of course manzxs got me mah hoh hoh hoh :D and then in the bus we kept learning the "HIGH5 I CHANGE MY MIND I LOOK UP THE SKY I GIVE YOU MY PISAI" thing in different dialects. nice one leslie she can say very fast in mine! hahaha. jiayou yilin you can do it! i like yinkar and evelyn's one "WO TAI XIONG QU TIAN KONG" hahahaha lmao.
we were very high during finale. then sing the national anthem until very loud. we never sing so loud before in school lor can. hahaha. then after the finale everyone was very sleepy. me jiaen yinkar evelyn lay on the ground and count stars! but walao no stars one. then when we lay there talktalk got 1 photographer come snap pict of us. lol like what's his prob. hahaha. SNGPEIXUAN you still owe us photos you goondu!
long time never post picts liao lol. come i post random ones lols.

hello hello this is evia with xianlin's paul.
very cool right? i mean paul not evia. :D

hello hello leslie! mrs chang teaching her maths hahaha.
lousy leslie :P

hello hello this is me and yilin hahaha we look alike here eheheh :D

hello hello this is jinghui yilin and me hahaha.
jinghui ah center parting ah not bad not bad :P

hello hello this is xianlin and me.
xianlin goodgood go dentist with me hahaha the dentist very friendly!
male one somemore. haha laura khoo. haha.
i still got a lot photos to post but SNGPEIXUAN and KHOOJINGHUI and LIMXINYI and LEESHINYI havent send me! rawr rawr ._.
okay byebye im off to mac with yilin :D
8:45 PM. Friday, July 11, 2008
hello hello! the dance exco is finally out, congrats guys, sec3s will always be backing you up! jiayou jiayou wheeee <3
today the emergency evacuation exercise abit lame hoh. abit only. like that slow sure all die one mah. if got suspicious article at SAC then if inside got bomb and the bomb only count down to 60seconds wapiang then we havent even get out of classroom yet then suddenly KABOOM all die how! then the dunno who the dunno what ghost uncle come decide who go heaven who go hell (i sure go heaven one cos angelina mah angel leh sure go up one la where got angel go down one hahaha) then hell sure very crowded cos got people like _ hahahah :D okay sian i crapping again..
wah today blim come walk past my class then cos lingyuan we all sit on the ground kaobei-ing mah then suddenly blim walk past wahsian xianlin was like "eheh blim alert!" then everyone quickly fly to their seats then i was like 0.0 so i stone there. blim see me sit on the floor ask "girl why you siting on the floor" then i was like SHITZXS so i quickly grab xianlin's newspaper say "cos i reading newspaper" then she was like "you paid for the sch fees why are you siting on the floor!" then i was like "okay lor" hahaha i very dumb okay fine i typing rubbish again!!!
OHYAH something not rubbish you know hoh xianlin brought pual to sch today! walao he pure wood leh so cool eheheh then boonchang was like in deep love with her hahaha look at the way he sees her lah omgomg shinyi hoh hoh hoh hahahaha. go bc! go xl! :D
andandand laura khoo is very very funny. she told us something which we 303 cannot disclose (it's a 303 secret) and was like very horny. seriously think she likes our sch the moveable van the male dentist lah. her lesson today then got a guy come in say _ need go see dentist, but she dont allow, and instead ask "is the dentist male or female?" then the guy say "male" thenthenthen laurakhoo say "okay then they can go" omg la very funny then she still got as if the dentist old or young hahahhaha. that's all i can say. the rest is 303's secret! lol.
and lingyuan, brush up on the high5 lyrics! :D
7:47 PM. Tuesday, July 8, 2008
haha school these few days very fun you want to know why? cos _ hahaha okay i know very lame. people these days keep on moodswinging. no good ah SAY NO TO MOODSWINGS! okay i give you people some ways to stop feeling so moody okay. advice from angelina very good one you know hahaha.
1. listen to emo songs to cry like shitzxs. after cry until shiok liao go watch
this and laugh your ass out man hahaha.
2. tell somebody about it, if noones wants to hear you out, talk to smarterchild! he's very nice but quite dumb. im sure he give good advice like me! add him here :
smarterchild@hotmail.com3. kill youself. jumping into leon's canal, jumping off the world trade centre, banging your head on the wall, shoot youself with gun, starve yourself for 10days, strangle yourself with the tie, slitting your wrist, etc alot of choice leh hmmm consider okay!
4. trash things out with the person or thing that make you moodswing!
5. (for the girls) go eat panadol so moodswings will byebye.
6. call hotline for help 1800-stupid-moodswing-i-hate-you.
7. go popular and other bookstores go buy "how to cure moodswings for dummies" eh cannot! later the book go snatch my business rawr rawr okay elimiate this one.
okay im out of points i know im very lame but i still can walk okayzxs hahahaha. im just killing time at amk hub sian i want go home and shower and sleep and do hmk! im guai, you see.
joy- chowbulan
angelina- gubulan
yilin- liang tehbulan
yijun- xiaomogu limbulan
peiying- laubulan
liling- wongbulan
shinyi- leebulan
minjie- neobulan
sylvia- siva chuabulan
nicolegoh i love you too hahahaha.
6:43 PM.
Got tagged by shana hahaha.
1. The person who last tag you is: shana
2. Your relationship with him/her is: senior and junior!
3. Your five impression of him/her:
1- pretty
4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you: send a thankyew sms to me and yilin for the wonderful day :D
5. The most memorable thing he/she had said to you: that me and yilin are her beloved juniors? lol.
6.If he/she become your lover, you will: love her back of course!
7. If he/she become your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be: to love me more!
8. If he/she become your enemy, you will: shoot her.
9. If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be: never come back to nhds often!
10. The most desire thing you want to do for him/her now is: bake a belated birthday cake!
11. Your overall impression of him/her is: a very sweet senior!
12. How you think people around you will feel about you? eh fierce? or friendly? lol.
13. The characters you love of yourself are: A-N-G-E-L-I-N-A!
14. On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are: eh what this means ah?
15. The most ideal person you want to be is: eh sian leh the quiz the first part interesting only.
16. For people that care and like you, say something to them: stupid fools! love me some more la!
17. Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wished to know how they feel about you.
haha stupid people you dont do i kill you!
haha stupid quiz -.- lol lol lol (hopes shana doesnt see this!)
4:31 PM. Sunday, July 6, 2008

i seriously dont know what's happening to me these few days.
i'm feeling ridiculously low and sad.
i dont know why i keep on moodswinging.
sorry those people kena scared by me :o
i feel lousy lousy lousy lousy lousy.
and tehyilin, i wont bully you again!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d08X2lN669k watch this.
12:54 PM.
happy 15th birthday my dear peijiaen!
you're as old as me now ;D
1) hope that you will be more mature.
2) hope that you will be more hardworking, dont lazy and slack.
3) hope that you will become more prettier.
4) hope that you will be more clever and brainy. (like me)
5) hope that you wont act cute lol.
6) hope that you will be more independent.
7) hope that you will be more serious.
8) hope that you wont laugh so loud.
9) hope that you ace your exams.
10) hope that that somebody loves you back.
11) hope that you will love me more than makmak. (shh!)
12) hope that you will grow taller.
13) hope that you will enter a great JC.
14) hope that all your dreams come true.
15) hope that you will continue loving thekuehs!
nah, here goes your 15 wishes for your 15th birthday.
remember, we love you always :D
1:25 PM. Saturday, July 5, 2008
the first three rows of us had to put on makeup.
haha i swear the makeup was darn hilarious manzxs lol.
it's okay yilin, jinghui and lingyuan have to put on the makeup too when the time comes.
so we will be laughing at them then ;D
okay the performance was okay i think.
liling shinyi peiying minjie cheyenne nicole jocelyn joy was there too.
but i never see them! cos they're at the other gate.
ahhh did i mention i saw our circle ppl dancing on the big screen?
lol then i was like OMG -.-
joke of the day:
ange: im a walking dictionary, ask me how to spell anything.
yilin: spell stupid.
ange: y-i-l-i-n.
yilin (after 1billion years): OI! walao. then how to spell brainy?
ange: n-o-t-y-o-u.
tianjun, jinghui: hahahaha!
lol. cool eh!
oh i love my muimui family! <3
muimui #1: lingyuan
muimui #2: joanne
muimui #3: angelina
muimui #4: evelyn
muimui #5: jinghui
muimui #6: yilin
muimui #7: yinkar
muimui #8: jiaen
hahaha muimui comes with a special story whoooo^^
8:02 PM. Wednesday, July 2, 2008
add time to life,
add life to time.
hahaha im glad to have Mr Qiu (or called MR Q) to be our CEP & chinese teacher.
he very very very nice an funny lol.
and mama chang like got pms like that leh.
go slam my bag just because i nvr hand in my NYAA
and go confiscate my phone
like wth? #$$%$^$%^@
andand congraguate dingyi in getting a post she wants!
and being happpy about it, hahahaha!
I cant believe the fun we could get when we mass walk home after dance.
I LOVE SEC3 DANCERS! seriously.
im thinking, how come we werent so bonded in sec1?
so this feeling could last longer.
but nvm we'll try to make the best out of our time here right. :D
haha everyone listen to 95.8FM toooooooooo!
surprise surprise you may hear a siaogao laughing in the background lol.
i thought this would only happen in angmoh countries, but im wrong.
be a leader, dont be a follower.
dont be her army of skants.
have objectives, dont do whatever she wanted you guys to do.
stand up for yourselves, i love all of you.
HELLO! I'm angelina and i love 403, my fellow dancers, and my wonderful friends! I was being pulled out onto this earth on 14june1993 and has been breathing ever since. I celebrate my special day every year, do you too? I'm good at talking trash, but lousy at doing maths. Dont irritate me by poking my mole :D