1:05 PM. Saturday, May 31, 2008
I wanna see bangbangtang on 12june!
I wanna see
I wanna see wangzi aoquan xiaoyu weilian ahwei!
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(REPLIES TO TAGS:ruiqi- yeah me too i wanna go see bbt!
evia- you lucky then will see me hahaha. of course my bball pro lol lol lol!
yeeling- lol i got tag you lor! lol have a nice holiday!
yangyang- yep we won! cos we're pro lol lol lol. yep we will jiayou de!
jiaen- yep ive put the link le! our blog rocks whoo! (:
joanne- (:
jinghui- (:
celia- lol dumbdumb hahahaha! cya sunday!
fongting- thanks! yep it's a hack. yeahhh i know it's nice hahas!
shinyi- ohchey i thought is who lol. yep it was fun!
angeline- yeah you naughty girl. got donate not. (;
yilin- hahaha you pig of course it's nice angelina leh (:
nicole- why you poke your nose into my blog ahhhhh. lol lol lol jk.
xuemiao- (:
yinkar- okay akk! bball's fun!
xinyi- you dont have to say anything (:
huimin- whywhy how much you got for MYE?
dingyi- hehheh i'll try.. :0
11:25 AM. Friday, May 30, 2008
so many things happened this week lol lol lol.
it's gonna be a veryveryvery long post!
ohohoh and, thekuehs are into bball these few days.
Monday 26may
303 had cip at eastcoast today.
in the morning it was raining maos and gous.
dingyi and i were drenched when we reach sch lol lol lol.
after we reached sch it stopped raining and got sun?
lol wth .__.
the children from the home were cute.
esp vishnu and steven.
axel's one was a headache :/
keep on chanting that he wants sprite. lol lol lol.
then i rmb there's this boy called wei hong?
he very naughty la keep on burying himself in the sand and refusing to leave.
lol stupid boy.
had a fun time double-biking with dingyi hahahaha.
okay whatever i shld stay at the back.
returned back to school around 3pm so it was abit too early to go home.
decided to go jurongpoint watch indiana jones with yilin.
the movie was super boring la until i fell asleep!
yilin woke me up lol lol lol.
imagine me falling asleep in the movies! hahahahahahahaha! :/
Tuesday 27may
we were supposed to go visit industries for aid of our project today.
but we met early in school to bball!
ahhh stupid sun.
met karen and tecksoon at jec foodcourt for lunch before going to jtc for the bus.
we visited the sembcorp first.
our bus went around the tuas industries for dunno how long.
turn here turn there in the end after 1hour then found sembcorp.
tuas is very big you know :0

sembcorp is smelly. all the rubbish, waste and shit.
but they did a good job in dealing with all sorts of shit and rubbish! lol.

the factory in a good view.
notice the different conveyer belts!

we then headed for the singapore mint whereby coins are .. well minted.
so here i am to encourage you guys to spend your coins and instead of collecting them!
you can collect the special type of coins for special occasions.
like my birthday for example, you can collect the special type of coins
whereby my face will be minted on the coins and you collect!
whoohooo! lol that's obviously a joke? .__.
Thursday 29may
had bio workshop today.
spent the whole morning listening to crap by our facilitator.
he really crapped alot and he dont know how to explain and facilitate us.
and he stink like shitszx.
okay that's mean but he really is useless luh.
at the sungei buloh we went for a trail walk around in the forest.
(it's not really a forest but there's alot of trees and creepy crawlies!)
water testing was fun luh.
i was with dingyi adelyn peilin and xinyi.
we were supposed to throw a bucket down to the river 10m down the bridge.
and we were competing who threw the furthest and who could catch a leave in the bucket first
lol lol lol hahahahahahaha.
and then the stupid woman in charge of the activity go confiscate our bucket.
zzzzzzzz .__.
played bball with yilin jinghui jiaen yinkar evia xianlin yujian and dennis.
evia left while yujian and dennis came over to join us.
me yilin jinghui yujian vs jiaen yinkar xianlin dennis
rawr long hands long legs we protest! ~ lol lol lol!
the whole time super fun luh.
but sweat alotalotalot but im not smelly :p
anyway who won uh hahahaha.
Friday 30mayhad ndp practise today at hall from 9 to 5pm
i look forward to the practises alot lol lol lol.
played bball during lunch with yilin jinghui jiaen yinkar and daphine.
so hot and tiring lah.
i played until i was like super dirty cos the dirty ball keep on hiting my shirt.
i looked like those karang kuni lol lol lol.
ndp practise from 3 to 8pm at bedok camp on sunday!
looking forward to it lol lol lol.

okay that's the end of this week byebyeeeeee!
10:21 PM. Sunday, May 25, 2008
i skipped sunday's tuition class for our worldview360 project.
darn suay luh at the bubbletea shop the plastic bag broke.
jiaen and my bbt spilled all over lol lol.
so i asked jiaen help me take my phone a while while i go ask the auntie gimme another 2 bbts
then who knows .. ..
lol nvmnvm.
we went to jiaen's house to sort out the bottles first.
then headed for the function room to do the dustbin.
woa i tell you there very fun leh.
we dodo playplay slackslack eateat blowbubble catchbubble singsong disiao eachother etc.
but we finished the dustbin lah.
very nice :)))

us doing work at jiaen's house.

us doing work at the function room

our completed work!
but sadly it didnt last long..
the whole afternoon we do the dustbin.
at 7+ the dustbin was completed, but toppled again at jiaen's house.
so aiyah suanle we strengthen it another time :(((

went to jiaen's house to have dinner.
her mum and auntie are great cooks!

can you see the bubbles? lol lol lol.
okay that's the end. byebye!
4:48 PM. Saturday, May 24, 2008
/edited post.
All characters and events on this publication, other than those clearly in the public domain, are the author's imagination and are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.there's this girl in our school. sec3 and unfortunately, in dance.
she likes to go cheapskate by telling teachers she wanted to be a prostitute when she grows up. she loves to talk horny with guys too, like,
"xxx's pubic hair got stuck in my braces when i did oral with him"
what im trying to say here is not that she's horny.
is that she's this self centered bitch, or rather, slut that nobody likes.
well, expect for her little boyfriend and her clique.
what gives her the right to scold my friend?
we did not come bother you, and you should thank us.
consider about the dance rule, and reflect on your actions, which is highly impossible.
we can treat you as invisible, but sadly, you're in dance!
NHDS is our love, it should be your love too, if you at least, at least give some respect.
dont rebuke back to seniors when they reprimand you for a wrong doing.
they're right you know. you're in the wrong.
and seeing your face, gives us nausea.
and we came up with a name to call you.
a airport prostitute? a boobless bitch? a flat slut?
non of this seems to suit you.
a chicken is what best fit into you.
and there's this 101 ways to kill and consume a chicken.
1 of the ways, is to go for chicken breast soup.
sadly in your case, you do not have any breast!
so chicken breast soup cant be cooked.
and did you realise we can find you whenever you go?
like yesterday in toilet we found you in home clothes?
that's because starting from the hall, there's this trace of chicken feathers.
all the way to the toilet beside the canteen.
hmmmm better think before you act next time, stupid.
and you're not deserved to call yourself a bimbo.
bimbos are pretty and stupid girls.
you are ugly and still stupid, so try calling yourself a schmuck.
and you, this boobless and buttless schmuck, shall be ostractised if you dont change.
you and your personality, is a disgust to us.
replies to tags:jeanice- ya lor. but my entry is about the earthquake, not cyclone. how many you fail?
ruiqi- mine's like lowest liao la. what's your position. i scared mummy dont allow me go bbt qianchanghui!
xiuhuan- hello! ^^
jiaen- yeah all the kuehs are kind and generous ppl ^^
shinyi- the rainbow's a hack i think :(
yilin- ya la! but you donated. goodgood ^^
ferny- cos last time your blog no tagboard mah lols.
fongting- i changed skin agn, nice? hahas the rainbow's a hack!
:D- hello thanks. you're?
ling- wah you mean you didnt know? omg. yeah triplesci. it sucked except for bio.
xinyi- they're not scary, they're sad :(
weiyue- yeah :(
huiminchng- what happened? my mum keep on scolding me cos of my results luh.
weiqi- cos i laohuayan mah cannot see so need put tagboard bigbig lols
4:33 PM.
today's very tiring as we went to bedok camp for our ndp practice.
the sun super scorching can.
dunno who's idea to wear slacks for girls one luh.
dunno who.
anyway the trip to bedok camp was fun.
yilin changed from bus1 to bus2 :D
peixuan and alyssa came to join us in bus 2 :D
then the whole journey was laughing nonstop.
and paiseh ah peixuan looked into your phone stuff :/
the camp is a very small place.
once in a while got a soldier in those kind of grassy hats running in and out.
cool eh the hats i also want :0
back to the scorching sun.
the runs were tiring, but fun.
they modified the music abit at the front, but i think the old music nicer?
andandand! we had chickenwings and garlic bread as lunch.
supposed to be pizza and they used pizzahut's boxes to contain the food.
haiyo anyhow cheat our feelings! lols.
after the ndp prac we went to play bball!
me jinghui yilin evia wenxuan yangyang lihuan deborah.
at first 4 versus 4 one then evia had to go.
then become 3v4 butbutbut we still won (right?)
see la after the ndp prac still bball leh pro anot :D
and we recycled the bottles we drank at bedok camp.
for our project! :D

walao my ugly trash bag lol lol.
jinghui go post in the project blog ah! :D
10:43 PM. Thursday, May 22, 2008
It has been a very busy week for me.
so tiring la to juggle with so many things!
went jiaen's house on monday 19th to do the project.
very interesting leh her condo.
got swimming pool sauna basketball court tennis court billiard room etcetc
next time can go camping lol lol.
we ate popiah at her house which was darn fun.

see all the fillings seeseeseee cool eh :D

my popiah!
looks nice, taste even nicer :D
after we finished part of our project, we went to play bball.
the hoops are all taken so we asked the guys if we could share.
in the end they let 5 of us play hahahaha dumb.
after a while yilin went home cos she gotta meet her mum n aunt at redhill.
the guys requested for 5 to 5 game.
5 of us versus 5 of them.
in the end we cant even get hold of the ball la.
so we went to shoot hoops ourselves.
played until sweating like a dog then went home.
http://anti-earthmurderers.blogspot.com/ to know more of our project! :D
Do support us okay! thanks.
5:59 PM. Sunday, May 18, 2008
as you all have known, (unless you have been living in a basement for the pass 6 days)
that a 7.9 magnitude earthquake hit wenzhou in sichuan province on 12th May 2.28pm.
up to today's 6.14pm, 32477 people had died, and 220109 people were injured.
this earthquake killed many people. children to be exact.
children left their houses in the morning and headed for school.
little did their parents know that it was the last sight that they had of their children.
they would not be coming back.
some stories:- 去世前,她给孩子留下短信:
5月13日中午,救援队员发现她的时候,她已经没有了呼吸。透过一堆废墟的间隙,可以看到她双膝跪地,整个上身向前匍匐着,双手扶地支撑着身体……救援队员从空隙伸手进去,确认她已经死亡,又冲着废墟大声呼喊,没有任何回应。这是震后的北川县,还有很多人在等待着救援。救援队走向下一片废墟时,队长好像意识到什么,忽然返身跑回来,他费力地把手伸进她的身下摸索,高声喊,“还有个孩子,还活着!” 一番艰难的努力后,人们终于把孩子救了出来。他躺在一条红底黄花的小被子里,大概有三四个月大,因为有母亲的身体庇护,孩子毫发未伤。 随行的医生过来准备给孩子做些检查,发现有一部手机塞在被子里,医生下意识地看了一下手机屏幕,发现屏幕上是一条已经写好的短信:“亲爱的宝贝,如果你能活着,一定要记住我爱你。”
- 3岁地震孤儿馨懿见人就叫“爸爸妈妈” :

some pictures:



nobody can do everything, but everybody can do something.
you can start by putting a rainbow (R) infront of your msn name
http://info.msn.com.cn/caihong/rainbow.htmlor you can donate money to aid the people.
go to china's administrative building at chinatown or orchard or you could write a cheque.
im not sure about that but you can always check out the newspapers for more information.
god bless.
5:17 PM. Saturday, May 17, 2008
went science center today with yilin jiaen yinkar n jinghui
for the worldview360 youth for earth thing.
at first thought was those boring lectures and that you will fall asleep throughout
and the saliva drip from your mouth to the front to the end until the whole place flood
it's really very interesting.
the ice breaking games were very interesting!
and fun.
we got karen and gavin as our facilitators.
cool peeps :D
after the talk we went around touring science center.
last went there since i was like, P5?
it changed alot and the whole place is very cool.
alot of fun and quirky experiment there lols.
went to sit the stimulator, where the bigbigwhitesmoothcarmachinethingy shake&shake&shake
until want to vomit liao lor.
the ride's not nice actually, rather go for omni theatre movie )));
we're meeting up again on monday to do the project
and will be trying out to figure out the world of html!
wooooooots. :D
REPLIES TO TAGS:peiying- yeah can save money! whoo.
ruiqi- chey so u only like guigui ah. and XIAOJIE! :D
xinyi- that was a technical error ;)
ferny- haha obiquack! lols aiyah cos i no time blog mah lol. y your blog no tagboard de?
evelyn- do i really have to do the quiz? lols.
valerie- yeah!
jeanice- i sucked at mye. ;(
fongting- acuvue nice brand mah aiyah your eyes big enough liao lols.
yinkar- yep i've updated! science center was fun!
jiaen- hahas it was fun! :D
yilin- you mature? kissmyass hahas. yep i changed!
yoketing- lols!
regina- okay! yaye next time go again! :D
huiminchng- ya lor lazy bum go put so i can flood hehehes.
shinyi- you shai4 bu2 hei1 one lols.
sinyi- updated! yep eastcoast's fun! :D
5:45 PM. Friday, May 16, 2008
my midyear results sucked like dabian.
i failed 3 subjects.
English- 52/100 C6
Chinese- 59/100 C5
Amaths- 35/80 FAILEmaths- 31/80 FAILChemistry- 50/100 C5
Biology- 70/100 A2
Physics- 56/100 C5
History- 31/50 B4
see la how you tell me what to do everyone's results so good they still say "walao my results like shit how". pls lor you guys getting As and Bs still shit what shit la you results bad mine become what?! sai is it. i tell you my results you still say not bad la while you all getting As and Bs still say very lousy. arent you all contradicting yourselves? walao i cant stand these people, and it's not just one, not just two. it's a fcuking bunch of them.
5:49 PM. Sunday, May 11, 2008
I love my mummy more than anything else.
just thinking, she has to bear with me for 15 years
and still didnt complain!
cool eh maybe u all shall try that!
mummy i love you!
replies to tags:evia- yeah i aced my amaths you know!
fongting- yah! so relaxed la lol. wah u cool ah change so soon so much time! lols.
shinyi- opps i not free on sat! haha yeah i know i watched it. speed racer nicer! :D
huiminchng- yay! why your blog no tagboard one! zzz lols.
yilin- no i not jealous cos i also have you pig hahaha.
xuemiao- lols whats that baboom thing for! lols.
peixuan- i know im loved mwahahaha. thanks agn for tagging you rare pig! :D
ling- lol yeah right hahaha.
jeanice- hahaha pepper lunch rock whooo! :D
jiaen- yeah! why u nvr come! it's very fun hahas.
tengteng- omgomgomg long time no see! :D
peiying- hahas yeah i watched! first time tag lol!
jinghui- whatwhat! you womit bloog pregnant! hahaha!
3:33 PM. Saturday, May 10, 2008
only one word to describe today, WOW.
met yilin n regina at bugis today
(cos i cant squeeze into the train at cityhall n they alighted at bugis lol)
and went to bedok to take 197 to east coast!
in the end we got off the wrong station and cabbed to eastcoast lols.
we went to have lunch first then went to the bicycle kiosk.
yilin n i got the big bike! and regina the small one!
hahahas THAT speaks! :P
we rented for 2 hours, which was like 12bucks?
worth it la cos i tell you the whole time was like, WHOOOOOO!
regina sort of forgot how to ride a bike
and yilin was like saying
"you know how to ride a bike now, you know how to ride a bike a lifetime"
i was like wah yilin u sure that came our of your mouth, not that angmoh behind u meh.
we rode for 1+hour plus leh!
cos we only stopped for sight seeing and phototaking.
the wind there was uber strong and COLD.
and the nicest thing was that there's no sun! :D
there were 2dogs at the beach, 1 is called polky.
polky kept on sniffing yilin's butt which was darn hilarious.
guess what, there were shit ontop of the rocks
belonging to the sea monsters most prob. hah.
we took some picts and continued with our journey.

we cycle and cycle and cycle and cycle and cycle and cycle
the whole time we were competing la.
yilin in the front, me in the middle, regina at the back.
butbutbut seldomly regina's the first! :DDDD
did i mention when she's the first she crashed into someone else?
who was going long distant?
the girl fell off her bike (surprisingly not regina) and bleed! :0
orh-hoh regina!! stay at the back safer! :D
and we saw outwardbound! whooo.

thr was once we stopped for phototaking in the middle of the track
then when we wanted to continue with the rest of the journey,
my bicycle collasped, followed my yilin's, and reg's bike crashed yilin's.
it was cool ;D
when we finally finished our 2hours, we decided to go marina steamboat!
that was yilin's idea. so okay lor go lor since it's only 4pm.
i nvr go before, so with anticipating hearts, we went there.
and what welcomed us was not steam from steamboats and noise from people.
it was, instead, steam from customers and noise from hungry ghost.
okay maybe not hungry ghost, it should be crows.
IT'S DESERTED LA! even the superbowls' were gone.
T.T in the end we went to eat at marina square at cityhall.
secret recipe, cool place.
small amount, big money!
okay enough said.
anw it was a fun day
i like it esp the cycling part.
let's go again some other day! ;D
(picts are with reg, waiting for her to send me! whoo. )
9:19 PM. Friday, May 9, 2008
today went movie marathon with dingyi
at first we watched SPEED RACER
very nice the whole plot very interesting!
i give it 100 out of 10 :D
pancakes are love!
after the movie already 3pm plus alr.
we wanted to go the lower seletar reservoir go fishing and canoe
walked for like 30mins under the hothothothothot sun?
in the end when we reach nobody there la.
expect for a few tikopehs and professional fishers.
no sign of fishing pole lending places or canoes -.-
so i called my mum and asked her whr the fishing place was.
she said was at the bottle tree park, which we passed by.
hahaha and we walk back lor sweating like siao.
we reach liao then see 1 dead bird on the bicycle track
poor thing shot by a hunter lols.
there got 2 couples siting at the table bench
the guy was like ontop of the girl, which was in uniform?
darn disgusing leh somemore they screaming la.
(dont think crooked)
the fishing poles lending centre was no where in sight
and the "canoes" were actually "duck boats"
so in the end walked back and decided to watch NIMS ISLAND
stupid dingyi go say the movie WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS
!$%#$!@# so have to watch lor.
both movies quite nice la.
9:50 PM. Thursday, May 8, 2008
today very high!
cos it's end of midyears! whoohoo!
yilin jinghui regina and me going vivo today.
but yilin takes geog, so have to wait for her.
in the meanwhile jinghui and i went to regina's house.
her house very cool, every 10m got 1 lift leh!
siao lor waste of resources lols.
her ahgong and ahma shop very big also!
slacked at her house for 45 mins?
then went to school again to fetch our dear yilin and go for sizing for ndp costume.
and mrt-ed to vivo.
we ate at food republic, the shi guo ban fan very nice!
in the cinema bought nachos
when i wanted to sit down my bag knock against my nachos
the whole thing spill over my hand
i was like T.T my nachos!
i wanted to go toilet wash the nachos off.
but then i dunno where the toilet is.
i ask the ticketer he said walk straight turn to right.
i suddenly cannot differentiate btwn left and right
so i turned to the left.
nope, that's the entrance for the normal cinemas.
when i finally found the toilets, i just entered one without looking.
just as i was about to push the tap,
the guy looked at me and 0.0 EH WTF?!
just then, i saw the urinals and was like OHSHIT.
i ran out of the toilet then nearly bumped into another guy.
walao leh damn suay.
-.- i told them when i returned to the cinema
then they laughed like siao.
ironman was cool.
yilin was very scared la throughout the whole show.
we went play upstairs awhile before going back.
jinghui got tuition, poor thing.

yilin edited this one.
i think it's very cool! ;D

5:10 PM. Wednesday, May 7, 2008
i only tired sleeping 2 hours on the first day
and subsequent days buay tahan.
comeon just 1 more subj then can go celebrate alr.
i swear that i will mug chem n physics until ace i tell you.
cos now sure fail liao. zzz ._.
and today i saw this male senior citizen
he was standing in the mrt and no one offered him a seat.
when the train moving he fell sideways flat on the floor
people were like :0
but then this NS recruit go help him leh!
he carried (literally) the old man and put him onto a seat.
nice right! should promote that NS guy luh.
hahahas. okay random zzz.
tml going vivo with yilin jinghui n regina!
watching dance of the dragon if im not wrong.
lols cool eh ;D
jinghui- linked and tagged! :D
ruiqi- she dare scold i go report her to GEMS mwahaha.
fongting- where got mugging sessions! lols of course im serious! :D
shana- sekali we went on the same day just that we didnt see each other hahas!
daphine- wah so sacastic :P
shinyi- it's a secret cannot tell you la. u bribe me with medicine then i say! :D
xuemiao- yep i heard that! :D
xuewei- wah you have ah! how come! i poke you then you know!
hueyjie- linked (:
yilin- flunk physics liao! bring me the notebook! hahahs lols.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------the road's getting rough;
HELLO! I'm angelina and i love 403, my fellow dancers, and my wonderful friends! I was being pulled out onto this earth on 14june1993 and has been breathing ever since. I celebrate my special day every year, do you too? I'm good at talking trash, but lousy at doing maths. Dont irritate me by poking my mole :D